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Fair and Transparent
Tax Mapping


We recognize the value of visualization and its effectiveness in promoting fairness and transparency in property valuation and calculation of tax rates.

As a core component of our solutions, we invest time and resources in developing easy-to-use interfaces and engaging maps to help our clients communicate effectively with their stakeholders. We know that effective communication is key to tax compliance.


Automated Land

Aside from traditional approaches, MLG uses drones to capture high-resolution imagery and machine learning to accurately estimate land values using local market and property tax formulas.

  • High-definition imagery and maps

  • Time and cost efficient

  • Textual, spatial, and multimedia data used to calculate property values

  • Ideal for rapidly expanding urban areas

Fit-for-Purpose Tax Administration


Experts know that there is no one approach that fits all. At MLG, we deal with global clients from developing to developed economies.

We use our growing knowledge in various frameworks and leverage our partnerships with academic, government, and professional organizations to customize processes best suited to the needs of our clients. Hence, we develop a range of solutions from the most advanced (largely automated backed by cloud computing) to quite simple and practical (largely manual with digital support from personal computers). We ensure that our clients can manage their tax administration systems. 




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For most governments, taxation is an important source of financial stability and a key driver of economic development. At MLG, we are committed in supporting our clients to achieve their tax revenue goals by combining ‘fit-for-purpose’ framework, technological innovation, and knowledge-based approaches. Also, we subscribe to the UN’s principles of fairness, transparency, and efficiency when developing solutions for property valuation and tax administration.

Property Valuation

We bring the latest research and technological innovation to develop cost-efficient and responsive valuation systems for land and building properties. Building on our strengths in software development and geospatial analytics, we use proven AI techniques and innovative data sources such as drone imagery to automate property valuation. If possible, we adhere to best practices and global standards as set forth by professional organizations such as FIG, RICS, and IAAO.

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Uses drones and machine learning to capture high-resolution imagery, creates maps, and accurately estimates property values from image attributes applied to local market and property tax formulas.

Revenue Generation


Working closely with our clients, we develop solutions that provide analytical support in setting tax revenue targets and monitoring for tax compliance.


At MLG, we follow UN guidelines to ensure fairness in sharing tax burden and promote transparency in tax collection and utilization. So, we take advantage of machine learning, geospatial analytics, and effective visualization tools to provide insights that our client needs in a timely manner.

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